NTI Conversations : Transforming lives: The role of Mindfulness in regulating emotions for people with ADHD

NTI Conversations : Transforming lives: The role of Mindfulness in regulating emotions for people with ADHD

by Gabrielle Harding -
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Transforming Lives: The Role of Mindfulness in regulating emotions for people with ADHD
Presented by
Jen Lewis, ADHD Specialist and Coach

2 September 2024
1pm-2pm (AEST)

This event will be held online via zoom

Tickets are free , but registration is essential. Register here

Mindfulness is being increasingly recognised as a valuable tool for improving emotional regulation in individuals diagnosed with ADHD. By cultivating present-moment awareness and reducing impulsivity, mindfulness practices can help individuals manage their emotions more effectively. Regular mindfulness exercises, such as meditation and deep breathing, promote self-awareness and increase attention control, which can often be challenging for those with ADHD. Research has shown that mindfulness can lead to reduced stress, improved mood, and increased emotional resilience. In this Conversation, Jen will talk about her experience in guiding individuals with ADHD and their uplifting stories in which regular mindfulness practice resulted in greater cognitive comprehension, emotional stability and improved relationships, enhancing the quality of their lives.

This discussion will take participants through the neuroscience of how our brains work concerning thoughts and emotions with fascinating insights as how our unique perspectives get created. The more we know about the processes happening in our minds and bodies, we can create space to pause and expand choice in responding skilfully and liberate ourselves from rigid thinking. Increasing emotional & physiological regulation is so key in this “always-on” world, not least for our ADHD community. Learn the science of how deeply the skill of mindfulness affects this whole process between the brain functions that regulate emotion – not as a “thing you do” but a tremendously upgraded way of showing up to yourself and others.

About the presenter

Jen is a founder of JLewHQ, ADHD & Business Coach (PCC), Wellbeing Educator & Facilitator, Burnout Proofing Organisations and Individuals.

Jen's background spans over 25 years in business, coaching, people development and soft skills facilitation. Jen is an ADDCA-qualified ADHD coach, a member of ICF and AADPA, an IECL-qualified executive coach, holds multiple neuroscience and children’s emotions coaching credentials, a master’s in commerce (strategy innovation) and is a fully qualified Mindfulness teacher (MTIA) in the Gold Standard of Mindfulness – Jon Kabat Zinn's clinical program, the MBSR.

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